To date, almost 4 million operating legal entities are registered in the Russian Federation. A legal entity is an organization registered in accordance with the procedure established by law that has separate property and is responsible for its obligations with such property.

Decision to create
The intention to create a legal entity is compulsorily formalized by an appropriate document - the decision of the sole participant (if the legal entity to be created has one founder) or the minutes of the general meeting of the participants of the created legal entity.
Legal entity charter
The charter of a legal entity contains all the basic information about the organization, its types of activities, rules for dealing with shares of participants, information about the executive body and many other important points. When drawing up the charter of a legal entity, it is necessary to provide for all possible nuances, including the rules for the alienation of shares, the duration of the executive body, etc.
Election of the executive body
To manage the current affairs of the organization being created, an executive body is elected by the decision of the founders. Most often, the general director is appointed by the executive body of a legal entity. However, the current legislation does not contain prohibitions regarding the name of the executive body - it can be both "president" and "manager". Information about the executive body, its rights and obligations is enshrined in the charter of the legal entity, while the specific data of the person assigned to this role should be contained in the corresponding decision of the founders of the legal entity.
Authorized capital
The authorized capital is a certain amount of funds that the founders of the organization invest initially. The size of the minimum authorized capital is established by the current legislation. The authorized capital of a newly created organization can be formed both by monetary funds and by property belonging to the members of the organization.
Registration of a legal entity
After the founders of the legal entity agree on all the key points, draw up the charter and elect the executive body, it is necessary to register the legal entity in the manner prescribed by law. The corresponding application is submitted in the prescribed form to the authorized state body (most often it is the tax inspectorate). The authenticity of the signatures of the founders in the submitted application is certified by an employee of the registration authority or a notary. To register a legal entity, you must also pay a fee in the amount established by law. A week after the submission of the above, if all submitted documents comply with the law, you will receive a certificate of registration of a legal entity and its tax registration.
After completing all the above steps, the new legal entity needs to open a bank account and make its own round seal, after which it can start its activities.