Firearms are recognized as mechanisms that are constructively designed for the mechanical destruction of targets at a certain distance by a projectile receiving directional movement using the energy of a powder or other charge. Smoothbore weapons are a type of firearm.

Step 1
The possibility of purchasing smooth-bore weapons is available to adult citizens of the Russian Federation after they receive a license, which grants the right to acquire, store and use them. Such a license is issued by the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence. An applicant for it should not be registered in a narcological or neuropsychiatric dispensary. If you meet these requirements, then you have every chance of a positive result.
Step 2
First, collect all the necessary documents. Get certificates from drug addiction and neuropsychiatric dispensaries, which indicate that you are not registered with them. This lesson will not take much time and, under favorable circumstances, will take a couple of hours. You will also need a general medical certificate of your state of health, which should specifically indicate that you do not have any illnesses or physical disabilities that prevent you from using a weapon. This certificate is paid, it is issued in the same medical institutions where you can get the certificates necessary for obtaining a driver's license. In addition to the above certificates, make photocopies of your passport and a couple of black and white photographs of 3x4 cm.
Step 3
After all documents are collected, pay the license fee. This can be done at any branch of the bank. Payment details can be found in the local department of internal affairs in the department of licensing and permitting work. The fact of payment of the license fee is confirmed by a bank receipt.
Step 4
Then go to the same license permit, give them all the documents you have collected, a passport and a copy of it, two photographs, a receipt for payment of the license fee, and also fill out an application for a license for a smooth-bore weapon. Also, be sure to purchase a safe or a special cabinet for storing weapons. Its presence is checked by the district police officer at the request of the licensing and permitting department. Failure to comply with this requirement is the basis for refusal to issue a license. If the documents you submitted meet all the necessary requirements, you will receive a ready-made license in a month.
Step 5
After obtaining a license, you can safely go with it to the gun store. If within six months from the date of issue of the license you have not purchased any weapon, then it will be canceled. Remember that only one weapon can be purchased under this license. To purchase several samples, you need to obtain a license for each of them.