In the modern fast paced pace of life, many are sorely lacking time to have time to implement all their plans. I want to keep up with everything, but 24 hours a day is not enough for this. Work is more and more addictive, often you have to work, neglecting rest and sleep. In addition to his will, a person becomes a hostage to the routine: from home to office and back. Everything else is gradually relegated to the background.

Fast track to workaholism
Replenish the ranks of workaholics, plunge into office life with your head, forgetting about everything else, is quite simple. It all starts with small delays at work that get longer and longer. Then it becomes necessary to spend time in the office and at night. A passion for work can quickly develop into a habit. As a result, work for a workaholic comes first in life, everything else is left behind: entertainment, personal life, family, recreation, social activities. There is no time left for hobbies and other opportunities for self-realization.
Previously, workaholics were viewed with slight irony, but recently psychologists have come to the conclusion that work addiction can be dangerous to health. Scientists around the world claim that workaholism can be considered a disease. It can be safely compared to alcoholism or drug addiction. This ailment is referred to as one of the forms of neurosis, in which work acts as the only opportunity to achieve recognition and self-realization in life.
The causes of workaholism
There are many reasons for addiction to work. There are two main categories of people prone to this. To become an inveterate workaholic is the risk of a person who strives to always be ahead of everyone. This is a careerist who deliberately completely goes into work, sets goals and objectives for himself, which he successfully implements. Personal life is relegated to the background, since the main and only priority in life is career. Another category includes people who join the ranks of workaholics due to failures in their personal lives. Making certain efforts, they also become successful, rapidly rise up the career ladder. They find solace in work and forget about unsuccessful attempts to improve their personal life. Only work can bring harmony to the life of such workaholics and provide the desired result.
With their excessive desire to devote themselves to work, workaholics harm not only themselves, but also those close to them. Is it possible to get rid of this addiction on your own? The first step to solving a problem is to acknowledge its existence. Until the person suffering from workaholism himself realizes the need to change his life, all the efforts of those close to him will be in vain. He should be serious
think about what is really valuable in his life. Work should occupy only the niche allotted for it, as one of the ways to realize oneself.