An agreement is a written agreement concluded between the parties to the transaction, containing basic information about the participants and the terms of cooperation. To avoid dishonest partners, before signing the contract, it is necessary to conduct a legal analysis of the agreement and the package of documents for the transaction.

Step 1
The parties to the agreement can be both individuals and legal entities, and the conclusion of an agreement between an individual and a legal entity is not uncommon. The list of documents required to conclude an agreement may vary, it all depends on the nature of the transaction.
Step 2
First of all, it is necessary to understand that for an individual, when concluding a contract, it is necessary to present an identity document. For a legal entity, the list is slightly larger and will consist of a package of constituent documents - a charter, a constituent agreement, a certificate of state registration of a legal entity, a certificate of registration with a tax authority, a protocol or a decision on the appointment of the head of the executive body (director, general director), fresh extract from the unified state register of legal entities.
Step 3
If an agreement is concluded between legal entities, then, as a rule, they exchange certified copies of constituent documents. If a party to the contract is an individual registered as a private entrepreneur, then he must provide a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, a certificate of registration with a tax authority, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, an extract from the tax authority. If settlements between the parties take place in a non-cash form, then the parties exchange bank details.
Step 4
Sometimes it is required to provide letters from the statistical committee, with a list of the types of economic activities of a legal entity. If one of the parties is engaged in activities subject to licensing, then it must provide the contracting partner with a certified copy of the license. If an organization sells a product undergoing certification, then copies of certified certificates. In some cases, a balance sheet and income statement may be required.
Step 5
When the conclusion of a contract is associated with a real estate object, the owner of the premises must provide title and right supporting documents for the real estate object, certificates confirming the absence of debts for utility bills and the absence of restrictions and encumbrances. If we are talking about an expensive object, then it is necessary to provide certificates of the book value and the size of the transaction.
Step 6
It is impossible to form a universal list of necessary documents for concluding an agreement. When making any transaction, it is important to approach the issue of signing an agreement carefully and taking into account the current legislation of the Russian Federation. A properly drafted agreement disciplines partners and is a guarantor of legal protection of rights.