"Why are there only 24 hours in a day" is a familiar phrase? But after all, the length of the day is the same for all people, so why do some people manage to work and rest, while others are in a hurry to go somewhere, but do not have time to do anything?

Planning your time is a very important skill. Not so long ago, a whole discipline appeared called time management, whose teachers teach how to plan time correctly and explain why it is needed.
How to plan your day
To make the most of your day, make yourself a plan of assignments for the evening. It is important to consider everything, up to telephone conversations and communication on the Internet. This will help you identify which tasks are time-consuming.
Divide the piece of paper into four sections: Important and Urgent, Important but Not Urgent, Not Important and Urgent, and Not Important and Not Urgent. Sort and record your daily activities in these sections.
When completing a task, devote all your time to it alone. Do not try to do several things at the same time, or it will not work, or the quality of the work will be worse.
Time management has a rule "Eat a frog for breakfast". This means that the most important and difficult things must be done in the morning, not leaving for later. Firstly, you don't have to walk all day long, waiting for hard work. And secondly, there will be no situation when time is running out, and the job has not yet been done.
Keep your desk tidy. Finding the right paper takes a lot of time.
People are divided into "larks" and "owls". Depending on your biorhythms, plan difficult tasks so that they fall at the peak of your activity. This will help save time, as the reaction and thought processes will be faster, and the result will be better.
Do not drive yourself, if you have time to rest, use it. A rested and rejuvenated person can do much more.
Why plan your day
Planning teaches you how to effectively manage your time and life in general. Have time to solve work matters, find time for family and friends, and relax. Having acquired the habit of planning your every day, you will not have a question about the number of hours in a day, and you will not feel like a driven person.
Planning the day is best done on paper. There will always be a clear list of tasks in front of your eyes, which will not allow you to be distracted. It will also help you see what things are done, what is left and how much time is left.
Writing down the necessary things, you will no longer need to keep everything in your head. First, it is ineffective. Secondly, it will free your head from the need to think about the task constantly, so as not to forget.
Finally, all successful people plan their day. This helps them to be more successful and achieve more.