If you are good at knitting or drawing, then perhaps your family and friends have repeatedly suggested that you start selling their products. Well, your hobby may well become your main source of income. Start small. Take advantage of the resources available to show your work to the world, and perhaps someone outside your circle of acquaintances will appreciate and want to acquire it.

Step 1
In order to turn a hobby into a job, you first need to soberly assess how much the products you make can be in demand. Study the market for similar products: the volume of offers, the price category of such products, the places of sale. Once you have selected products with similar characteristics, consider whether you can benefit from selling the product at a market price or even lower price.
Step 2
If you find the price conditions attractive, then the next step is to try to find your buyer. Expensive oil paintings, dressed in a golden frame, may appeal to the older generation. Designer jewelry made of polymer clay, rhinestones, beads is loved by teenagers and young women. And if you are engaged in scrap booking, making elegant creative postcards, boxes for small things, albums for photos, then this is a universal product that will be in demand by all age categories.
Step 3
Look for online resources to market your products. First of all, post your offer on social media. As a rule, this is where they find the greatest response. Also on the Internet there are fairs for craftsmen, artisans, hand-makers, where you can create your own online store, publish a catalog of products, offer a price, and communicate with customers. You can also try to create your own website or blog, which, in addition to information about the products sold, will contain interesting materials about how the creative process goes, how your creativity began, what you need to try to create such a thing yourself. Such network resources are good because, in addition to direct users, people who accidentally visit the page can see information about the product. And statistics show that most of the visitors are just random users, not target users.
Step 4
To make your hobby earn money, you can try to organize master classes for those who want to learn your skill. It is pleasant to spend time with like-minded people and at the same time learn to create with your own hands at a democratic price, for sure, many of your circle of friends and acquaintances will want to. Such master classes are now in great demand. Of course, on the Internet you can find training materials on any type of creativity, but the experience of the master, personal example and help on the spot attract more than an independent study of the issue.