Money has the amazing property of ending unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment. True, there is almost always an opportunity to take out a loan. But it also needs to be paid. Moreover, without fail, since sanctions are inevitable.

A loan for any whim
What could be easier than getting a loan and getting the money you want, or not money, but a long-desired thing? To obtain a loan, you often no longer need to collect mountains of certificates and several guarantors. Having a passport opens the way to the required amount.
When money is very close, the question of interest on a loan, especially about some kind of sanctions, seems simply inappropriate. And in the end, it is this circumstance that becomes dominant in the relationship between the client and the bank.
And the point is not even the bad faith of the bank's managers, who, to put it mildly, kept silent about the fact that early repayment is impossible and in any case you will have to pay the full share of interest on the loan.
It is just that sometimes you may not take into account certain circumstances that can easily dramatically change your level of creditworthiness. And the bank still needs to pay the debt and interest. It's one thing when your salary is delayed or because of forgetfulness you missed the day of payment. In this case, nothing extraordinary will happen: pay a small penalty and a small speck will appear on your impeccable credit history.
It is much worse if you suddenly lost your job. In this case, you need to urgently contact the bank and try to somehow negotiate.
Loan delay
When you apply for a loan, you conclude an agreement with the bank, according to which you undertake to pay the bank in equal shares the debt and interest on it. The agreement usually describes in sufficient detail what the client faces in case of non-payment of the loan. How serious can the sanctions be? What to do if there is a delay, and how can it be dangerous?
In the case when, due to material difficulties, it is not possible to repay the loan, the debt begins to grow. This situation can easily lead to serious trouble.
Initially, a bank clerk will remind you of the outstanding debt by phone. You must remember that it must be repaid within thirty days from the date of occurrence. Sometimes clerks insist on repayment within a few days - this is not true.
On the other hand, sometimes some banks do not show themselves at all, and then simply submit the documents to the court. In this case, bailiffs will already begin to deal with the issues of paying off your debt, which is not at all good. Since in this case all the collateral will necessarily go to the bank.
If the situation has developed in such a way that a debt has arisen and there are serious problems with its repayment, you should immediately contact the bank. With a good credit history, the bank usually makes concessions. This can be an individual installment plan of payments or a deferral of payments. This means that there is always a way out.