Turning a hobby into a profession, quitting an unloved job and always doing only what they have wanted for a long time is not the dream of many working people! Not everyone decides to do this, but it is worth putting a little diligence and work - and the dream will become a reality.

Step 1
First, decide what exactly you want to make a living with in the future, what is most comfortable for you to do. Almost any hobby can be turned into a profession, regardless of what you can do and what you are fond of. This can be painting, jewelry making, embroidery, woodworking, sewing, baking, or a passion for the English language.
Step 2
It is not at all necessary to have a higher or secondary education in the chosen profession. It will be enough that you yourself are well versed in your business, you want to improve in it, you are constantly looking for some new materials, plots, design for the best implementation. However, in order to be more confident in approach to business and gain the trust of early customers, it is probably better to take courses or workshops on your chosen hobby. They are suitable even for great professionals, because it is never too late to develop. In addition to the knowledge gained from courses or master classes, you will also acquire a certificate, which will be the guarantor of your professionalism for your future buyers.
Step 3
Do not rush to part with your permanent job, take up a hobby in your free time and gradually start making money with your hobby. It will take at least a year to promote such a business, only when you are sure that you can receive income from a hobby no less than from a permanent job, you can write a letter of resignation.
Step 4
Consult with your friends and acquaintances how your products look like, whether their workmanship and appearance are suitable for sale, what shortcomings the products have. Let your friends answer your questions honestly. Do not mistake their criticism for an attempt to offend, it is better to correct the comments so that your product or service will receive more competitive advantages and pleasant reviews from customers.
Step 5
Consider channels for marketing your products. First, offer your products to friends, ask them to spread information about you in their circle. You can go to local small shops, offering them products for sale. This is especially suitable for handmade goods - candles, soap, jewelry. Selling products at markets or fairs on weekends is a good option. Create a group on social networks where you would tell participants about your work and offer your products or services. You can create not only a group, but also a personal website or blog.
Step 6
After a successful start, do not forget to improve your own skill, find new forms for its implementation. Only by developing will you be able to withstand the competition and attract more and more new customers. Once you've gotten enough experience, start teaching people your art or how to make a successful business out of it. To do this, you can hold meetings, seminars, write informative articles about this on your website, blog, in a group.