For the lender, a very important aspect of the activity is the correct assessment of the financial solvency of the client, because when issuing a loan, he expects to receive his funds with interest on time and in full.

- - identity card of the borrower;
- - documents directly or indirectly confirming the borrower's income.
Step 1
When applying for a loan, a potential client is first and foremost assessed by the lender's employee visually. Unkempt appearance, state of intoxication, tattoos can cause a loan refusal even at the stage of filling out the questionnaire.
Step 2
The borrower must provide the lender with detailed information about himself: passport data, marital status, information about work, education. In combination with other data, the information from the questionnaire can also suggest the reliability of a potential client.
Step 3
The contact of the borrower must be checked. If the phones he named are stubbornly silent, then one can doubt the fact that he will not want to hide from paying the debt.
Step 4
The lender's security service, as a rule, checks the borrower for criminal records and police records.
Step 5
The lender's employees can call the potential client's workplace to clarify information about his employment.
Step 6
Further, the client provides official information about his income. Each credit institution has its own formulas for calculating the adequacy of the borrower's earnings, but in most cases, after deducting the loan payment, the client's income should not be less than the subsistence level. Banks do not always require the submission of confirmation of wages in such an official form. It is often asked to present a foreign passport with a visa, a vehicle title certificate, real estate registration documents, a bank credit card or other document that indirectly confirms the borrower's ability to pay off the debt. When making a decision, other debt obligations of the client are also taken into account.
Step 7
The decision is often made based on an analysis of the borrower's credit history. To do this, you need to send a request to the Central Catalog of Credit Histories at the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about where the credit histories of a potential client are located. Then apply with a request for information to private credit bureaus, which, as a rule, are created at commercial banks.