Parents are obliged to educate and support their children while they need it and have not reached working age. The situation becomes the opposite in the event of the loss of the ability to work of parents.

The legal responsibilities of children towards their parents
Article 87 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation states that children are obliged to take care of and provide for disabled parents if they need help. If both parties have not come to such a mutual agreement, then the issue of the payment of alimony and their amount is decided through the court. Alimony must be paid every month in a fixed amount. The amount is determined taking into account the financial situation of the parents, taking into account the material wealth of able-bodied children.
The material capabilities of all the children of the parent are considered in court, despite the fact to whom the claims for the payment of alimony were originally expressed.
If the parents did not participate in the upbringing of children, and this fact was revealed during the court proceedings, and also deprived of parental rights, then they cannot claim child support. The court may oblige adult children to pay the additional expenses of the parents in the event of their serious illness, injury to the parent, or the monetary costs of hiring a caregiver for the parent. The amount of money is established based on the child's marital status, financial situation and other criteria.
A sense of duty to parents
When it comes to a prosperous, close-knit family, the case, as a rule, does not come to litigation about the payment of alimony. Having reached working age, children themselves will strive to provide support to their parents, and not only physical, but also material. The upbringing of children plays an important role here. Parents from a young age should instill in the child that they need to be merciful, sympathetic, to help their loved ones and relatives, to pay for good. And as an adult, the child will surely remember how much parents did for their child, how many nights they did not sleep, how much they taught and scolded, looked after, provided and invested.
To turn away from parents in old age, when they have become helpless and weak, is a manifestation of ingratitude and heartlessness.
Indifference in raising a child
There are other situations when the father did not live with his family, avoided paying alimony, did not make gifts, and did not participate in the upbringing in any way. In this case, there can be no question of any alimony or assistance to a disabled parent, even if the person is a biological father. His contribution to the child is zero. The testimony of the mother and the child alone is not enough in the course of the trial; documents are needed to prove the failure to pay alimony and the parent's inaction.