Labor legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates that paid leave must be granted annually. The employee's right to such leave arises after six months of his uninterrupted work at the enterprise. The order of giving leave is determined by the schedule. But sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to cancel the vacation.

Step 1
The legislation in force in the country does not allow to completely deprive an employee of vacation. In fact, the cancellation of vacation means only the transfer of vacation days to another period of time within the current working year. In extreme cases, it is allowed to postpone the vacation to the next year, while the vacation must be used by the employee no later than 12 months from the end of the year for which it was granted.
Step 2
Get a written statement from the employee to reschedule paid annual leave. Make sure the application states the new vacation period and the reason the employee is postponing it. Verify this statement with your supervisor. If the enterprise has a complex structure, coordinate it with the immediate supervisor of the employee (the head of a department or working group).
Step 3
Issue a new vacation cancellation order. Since there is no special form for this type of administrative documentation, present the text in free form. Be sure to point out that the new order will revoke a previously issued order granting an employee annual paid leave. Familiarize the accounting department, management and the employee himself with the issued order.
Step 4
In cases where the employee is already on annual paid leave, it is no longer possible to cancel the vacation order. Another document is required - a recall from vacation. Remember that you can only recall an employee from vacation with his consent. In this case, the unused part of the vacation can be used by him either at any time convenient for him in the current year or added to the paid vacation for the next year.
Step 5
Do not forget that there is a category of workers who cannot be recalled from vacation. These include persons under the age of eighteen, workers employed in hazardous or hazardous work conditions, and pregnant women.