How To Count Continuous Work Experience

How To Count Continuous Work Experience
How To Count Continuous Work Experience

Table of contents:


Continuous work experience is calculated in accordance with the "Rules for calculating continuous work experience" approved by Resolution 252 of the Council of Ministers and decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 508, as well as in accordance with Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

How to count continuous work experience
How to count continuous work experience


  • - calculator;
  • - paper;
  • - a pen;
  • - employment history;
  • - 1C program "Salary and personnel".


Step 1

To calculate the continuous work experience, use the 1C "Salary and Personnel" program or carry out the calculation using a calculator, paper and a pen.

Step 2

If you are using the program, enter all the necessary numbers of hiring, dismissal and new employment in the appropriate lines, click "calculate". Get the result you want.

Step 3

To calculate the continuous length of service using the calculator, enter the date of dismissal from each job in the column, subtract the date of employment. If the break between getting a new job and leaving your previous job was less than three weeks, add up the calculated results. If the break has exceeded 3 weeks, then do not include this line in the continuous work experience.

Step 4

Also keep in mind that if an employee is dismissed within 12 months two or more times, 12 months will not be credited to the continuous length of service.

Step 5

If the employee changed his place of work for a good reason and this is indicated in the relevant certificates, then the duration between employment, which gives the right to continuous work experience, can be increased to 1 month.

Step 6

If you are counting on continuous work experience for an employee who quit his job in the Far North or equivalent territories and has a break in work after being laid off for two months, you must count this length of service as continuous.

Step 7

For laid-off employees due to reorganization or liquidation of an enterprise, a break in work may be 3 months. Therefore, if this period has passed from dismissal to new employment, then consider that the experience is continuous. The same rule applies to those employees who are fired for health reasons or due to disability.

Step 8

If a woman had a break from work due to caring for a disabled child under 16, then you must consider the experience as continuous. The same applies to women caring for children under 14 years of age.
