Medical work experience is the total duration of work in institutions engaged in medical activities in one order or another. It is considered under the same laws and regulations as any other work experience. In some situations, medical experience may qualify for early retirement benefits. In this case, special settlement rules apply to it.

Step 1
To correctly calculate the medical experience, refer to the necessary documentation. First, read the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the list of positions that give the right to enroll the length of service, which gives the right to receive a pension in connection with engaging in medical and other activities to protect public health." Here you can study the rules for calculating the terms of service for the subsequent appointment of a pension, taking into account work in a medical institution.
Step 2
Calculate the preferential medical experience according to the following rule: count one year of work in the field of medicine as one and a half years of medical experience. However, specify exactly which periods of work and in which institutions can be counted in medical experience, according to the preferential procedure.
Step 3
The list of positions approved by the Government of the Russian Federation does not contain a detailed list of specific doctors who are or are not entitled to receive a seniority pension. Therefore, considering medical work experience, be guided by the nomenclatures (lists) of positions in medical institutions.
Step 4
Work in private enterprises engaged in medical practice should also be counted towards medical experience. Check if a specific position and a specific type of institution is on the list according to which you can accrue a pension for this employee for preferential medical experience.
Step 5
In any case, in order to include a certain period of work in medical experience, check whether it meets the requirements of a specific list that approves the names of positions and health care institutions, work in which may give the right to receive an early retirement pension. To include this period in the seniority also on a preferential basis, make sure that the work proceeded in the appropriate departments and in the relevant positions, which are listed in the regulatory legal acts.