Work experience is general and continuous.
In this article, we will try to answer the question of how exactly to count the length of service of any kind.

General (or insurance) work experience is the total duration of work under an employment contract, other useful work for the public, as well as the periods specified in the legislation, regardless of the interruptions that have arisen.

The total experience is counted according to data from the work book. To do this, take the date of admission and the date of dismissal of each job, writing them out in a column. Then they calculate how many calendar days have been worked, starting from admission and ending with dismissal. The number of such days at each place of work is summed up, thus obtaining the total length of service, expressed in the number of years, months and days.

Let's show an example of how the total seniority is calculated. The reason for dismissal for all cases will be considered the employee's own desire. First place of work: accepted on September 28, 2001 - dismissed on November 22, 2003. Second place of work: accepted on 20.03.2004 - dismissed on 16.07.2007. Third place of work: accepted on 12.10.2008 - dismissed on 10.01.2011.

Calculating the length of service, the date of admission must be subtracted from the date of dismissal. If necessary, it takes twelve months for a breakdown from a year, and thirty days from a month. Using such a counting scheme, in each period they "lose" one day that needs to be added. Moreover, this rule for an employee applies only to those periods during which labor activity was carried out.

So, let's make the calculations: First place of work: 2003-22-11 - 2001-28-09 = 2 years 1 month 26 days; Second place of work: July 16, 2007 - March 20, 2004 = 3 years 4 months. 17 days; Third place of work: 10.01.2011 - 12.10.2008 = 2 years 2 months 29 days; Further, the total experience is calculated by adding the data: 2 years 1 month. 26 days. + 3 years 4 months 17 days + 2 years 2 months 29 days. = 7 years 9 months and 12 days. Now let's talk about how it is necessary to correctly count the length of service of a continuous type. Continuous work experience is the length of time of the last job.

It should be noted that continuous work experience is preserved in such cases: if the break between transitions from one job to another for a good reason did not exceed one month, and because of a disrespectful one - three weeks. if a woman has disabled children under 16 years old, or children under 14 years old, or she is pregnant. if the employee was dismissed voluntarily, the reason for which was that one of the spouses moved to another locality to a new place of residence, or he retired.