Since school years, we all know that a document that does not have a seal has no legal force. But we do not know the basic rules of paperwork, therefore we put a seal wherever we want. Because of this, unpleasant situations arise when, for example, at work, by mistake, the HR manager puts the wrong seal and on the wrong papers.

Step 1
What is printing for?
This is a necessary legal formality with which the signature of an official is certified. But not in all cases this props is needed. In modern legislation, it is not enshrined in which cases it should, and in which it is not necessary to put this or that seal. From the current practice, the seal is certified: accounting papers (invoices, estimates, registers, orders), personnel documents, constituent documents of the company.
Step 2
We certify documents according to the rules
An erroneous seal on a personnel order or letter should not cause panic. It's another matter if you forget to put a seal on a document where it is really needed, for example, in an employment contract. In this case, the result can be disastrous, because if you want to use this document as evidence in legal proceedings, it will not have any legal value.
You can avoid unpleasant situations by prescribing the procedure for using the seal in the organization's charter and specifying a list of documents on which the seal must be affixed.
Step 3
Seal impression - where to put it?
The seal should be placed at the end of the document, next to the official's signature. The seal should capture part of the word designating the position and at the same time not create problems when identifying the signature and its decoding.
There are a number of documents on which there is a special mark "M. P." (place of printing). If it is present - your happiness, feel free to put a stamp on it. Such a mark can be found on accounting papers, certificate forms, on the title page of a work book.