The title of the position "promoter" is translated as "promoter". According to research by psychologists, the buyer remembers no more than 7-10% of the text spoken to him, the rest of the information he "gets" by visual, gustatory and olfactory perception. The task of the promoter is to promote the product, present it to the client, give it a try, give gifts, and hold a drawing of prizes. At first glance - a dusty job …

However, as shown by our own experience, direct advertising of a product is a rather difficult way of earning money.
Requirements for promoters
There are quite a lot of advertisements “Promoter Wanted”; promoters get jobs in good companies through acquaintances.
Interview. The long queue for the position of promoter is mostly college-age girls. The selection is strict. Conditions: good looks, friendliness, sociability, competent speech, activity and excellent memory. The selection was more like an admission to a theater studio than a classic interview procedure. After the standard filling out of the questionnaire, something similar to casting begins: you need to show the ability to attract an audience, demonstrate a conversation technique, and hold a conversation with an imaginary client.
It is believed that the best age for a promoter is from 18 to 23 years old, and an older person with work experience will be taken.
The appearance of the promoter is selected in accordance with the type and advertising image of the product. Curvy girls are preferred to advertise mouth-watering buns. For tasting beer or wine - strong, strong and older guys. The requirements for advertising cigarettes are becoming more stringent: representatives of Peter I cigarettes, a typically male brand, hire strong, short, but open young men or women. And, for example, for Vogue, thin female cigarettes, you will need a chiseled figure, a dazzling smile and a height of 180 cm. When working with hygiene items, food additives or household chemicals, natural charm and a neat appearance are enough.
A contract is concluded with those who have passed the selection. The form of cooperation can be any - from participation in a one-time promotion with hourly pay to permanent work for several months or years with monthly salaries.
Features of the profession promoter
The promoter must come to the "point" 20-40 minutes before the start of work in order to have time to get ready. The result of promotions is obvious: the sales of the advertised one increase fivefold, and sometimes even 25 times. At the end of such a part-time work day, the legs get tired (it is strictly forbidden to move away and even sit down), the voice sits down or disappears. The promoter works 3-4 days a week, more often on weekends, 4-6 hours a day. Pay hourly, there is a system of premiums in case of high sales. A system of penalties is also provided: for a 5-minute delay, inactive behavior, distorted text, sloppy appearance, the salary is reduced by two or three times. Double control on the part of the agency and the customer does not let you relax.
Promoters for work are recruited by both advertising agencies and firms whose products need to be promoted. The advantage of hiring through an advertising agency is that each promotion is unique. You never know which one will be next. Today you become a representative of a sausage company, and the next day you offer a new washing powder. In the agency, the salary is usually not clearly defined: it all depends on the wishes of the customer who contacted the agency. But, the higher the pay per hour, the harder the promoter works. When hiring directly for a company, the salary will be more stable, and the features of the advertised products are well absorbed after a few weeks.
The promotion lasts one to three months, then the promoter is "transferred" to another product. This is how the form, the text, and the work schedule change. Usually you have to stand in the second shift - from 15 to 19. Before lunchtime - study, and the evening is free. Very convenient for students.
There is no opportunity for professional growth for future lawyers or chemists here, but you can learn other things. For example, communicate freely with people, develop public speaking and master the basics of advertising and marketing.
Before the start of any action, a special training takes place: the text is memorized, options for contacting the buyer, the development of the conversation with the client are discussed. During the training, the most unexpected questions are asked, stupid, tricky. If you fail, you can be fired right away.
Promoter's dress code and location
For each promotion, the promoter is given a special uniform - a skirt (less often trousers), a T-shirt or T-shirt in summer, a jacket and a hat in winter, and sometimes a backpack or a bag. A handsomely and brightly dressed person in any crowd immediately catches the eye. There are also unconventional ideas. Promoters are discharged into cheerful kokoshniks and fluffy skirts or short shorts. At a company presentation, two guys in bright blue overalls walked around the hall with toy dump trucks on strings. And at one recent promotion, the girls were dressed up in swimsuits and had bunny ears on their heads - a Ferrari advertisement.
However, there are also overlays: for example, in one trading house a promoter-young man worked for the promotion of Olways for women! The topic, of course, confused him, he constantly blushed and stuttered. And the passing grandmothers were outraged and dissatisfied with such immorality …
Promotions are held in the most crowded places of the city - supermarkets, shopping centers, central streets and popular places - cafes, bars, clubs. The people are already accustomed to and do not shy away from promoters, on the contrary, everyone, to the best of their imagination, takes part in the “game” called “buy and sell”.
And you, having met a tasting or a presentation in any store, do not want to come up and take part?