The organization that maintains the work book is considered the main one, the rest of the work is part-time. A sick part-time worker is entitled to payment of hospital benefits if he is insured at an additional place of work.

Step 1
When applying for a part-time job, fill out an employment contract with the employer confirming your status as an employee. From the moment you enter into an employment contract, you are subject to social insurance, and the company that hired you becomes your policyholder. The insured pays the employee a sick leave.
Step 2
If there are several such places, sign an employment contract with each employer. In case of illness at each place of work, you must be paid for the days of involuntary disability.
Step 3
If you have a main place of work and one more part-time, certify the sick leave with the signature of the manager and the seal at the main place of work. Make a copy for your part-time job. A copy must be certified by a notary or by the head physician of the medical institution that issued the sick leave. And provide a part-time job to the place of work. Sick leave will be paid separately for the main place of work and separately for part-time jobs.
Step 4
When moving to another job, take a certificate of earnings from previous policyholders. The sickness benefit is calculated based on the average earnings for the previous twelve months before the illness. Full calendar months are considered.
Step 5
Calculate how much the policyholder must pay you. Paid for calendar days, not working days, Article 2 of Law N 343-FZ of December 8, 2010. Determine the average daily earnings for the billing period. Divide the amount of earnings by calendar days in this period. Payments depend on seniority. With an insurance experience of more than 8 years - 100%, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, up to 5 years - 60%. If your insurance experience is less than 6 months, sick leave is paid in the amount of one minimum wage for a full calendar month.
Step 6
Multiply your daily allowance by the calendar days you missed due to illness. This amount will be your statutory hospital benefit.