Truancy is a gross violation of his job duties by an employee. To dismiss an employee or to issue a reprimand is the choice of the management of the organization. If a decision is made to terminate the employment contract, it is important for the personnel department to correctly draw up the necessary documents.

Step 1
Draw up an act of violation of labor discipline in any form. In the document issued on the day of absenteeism, reflect the following information:
- place, date of drawing up the act;
- the positions, surnames and initials of the person who drew up the act, as well as similar information about two or more witnesses of the violation of the labor schedule;
- a description of the violation itself (absence from the workplace of the perpetrator for at least 4 hours in a row);
- verbal explanations provided by the offender;
- signatures of all persons involved in drawing up the act of violation.
If the culprit refuses to sign the act, then be sure to write about it in this document and certify with the signatures of witnesses.
Step 2
Ask the employee who committed absenteeism to write an explanatory note indicating the reasons for the misconduct. Please note that in the case of an appeal against a dismissed person under the article "truancy" to the labor dispute committee, representatives of this organization are especially concerned about the importance of the reasons for the truancy.
If the employee refuses to give written explanations, draw up an act in free form. Bring at least two witnesses to the refusal.
Step 3
Write a memo addressed to the head of the organization, CEO, or other authorized person. Indicate the composition of the violation in it and attach all the necessary documents.
Step 4
Prepare a draft disciplinary order. In the descriptive part of the order, indicate the fact of violation of labor discipline by the employee, referring to the attached documents. In the order, write down instructions on non-payment of work days missed without a valid reason, and also reflect the fact of issuing a subsequent order to terminate the employment relationship with the employee.
Step 5
Draw up a draft order of dismissal in accordance with subparagraph "a" of paragraph 6 of part one of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
Step 6
After the manager or his substitute has signed two orders, make a record of the dismissal in the employee's personal card and in the work book.
Step 7
Within three days, familiarize the dismissed employee with the texts of the orders, if necessary, issue copies of all completed documents. On the day of dismissal, hand over the work book to the fired employee against signature.