The procedure for dismissing an employee from an enterprise must comply with labor laws. One of the mandatory documents is a dismissal order. Before the director of the organization publishes it, the employee must write a letter of resignation addressed to the first person of the company two weeks before the expected date of dismissal.

It is necessary
form of the unified form of order No. T-8, pen, employee documents, enterprise documents, organization seal, labor legislation, employee's application for dismissal
Step 1
Write an application addressed to the head of the enterprise, in the head of which write the full name of the organization, the position he holds, the last name, first name, patronymic of the director in accordance with the identity document in the dative case. Indicate your position in accordance with the staffing table, your last name, first name, patronymic in the genitive case. In the content of the document, state your request to fire you of your own free will or by agreement of the parties from a certain date. Sign the application personally and include the date it was written. The application is sent to the head of the company for consideration, who, if agreed, puts a resolution on it with the date and signature and indicates the duration of the work.
Step 2
When drawing up a dismissal order, use the unified form of order number T-8 on personnel. In the head of the order, enter the name of the organization in accordance with the constituent documents or the surname, name, patronymic of an individual, if the company is an individual entrepreneur. Indicate document number and date of issue.
Step 3
In the administrative part of the order, enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, the position he occupies in accordance with the staffing table. Indicate the date on which the employee will be considered dismissed. Assign the responsibility to familiarize a specialist with the order to a certain employee of the enterprise, indicate his last name, initials, position.
Step 4
The dismissal order is signed by the director of the organization, enters his position, surname, initials. Certify the document with the company seal. Familiarize yourself with the order of the employee, who puts a personal signature and the date of familiarization with the administrative document.
Step 5
Draw up a dismissal order in duplicate, one of which is sent to the accounting department to calculate the payment for unused vacation and other payments, the other to the personnel department to record the dismissal in the employee's work book.