How To Get Back To Life After Vacation

How To Get Back To Life After Vacation
How To Get Back To Life After Vacation

After a joyfully spent long-awaited vacation, any employee does not want to go to work. Thoughts only about how to stay at home and lie down for another week or two. In any case, the workflow needs to be restored.

How to get back to life after vacation
How to get back to life after vacation

After a summer vacation, a person usually develops depression, unwillingness to go to work. What is the reason for this? And with the fact that in sunlight, serotonin is released - the hormone of joy. A person enjoys being on vacation during the summer months in places where daylight hours are longer. Another hormone released in the human body is melatonin. It causes depression in a person. And since in Russia most of the 3 seasons of the year are gloomy, gray and cloudy, a person produces more melatonin than necessary. And, consequently, despondency, apathy and blues develop. How to deal with such phenomena? It is necessary to reanimate serotonin after vacation with bright indoor light. You should surround yourself with white decor elements.

A nap for 26 minutes during your lunch break will help you set yourself up for work. It turned out that during sleep, the circulating channels of the cerebrospinal fluid expand and remove toxins that accumulate in the brain during hard work. In addition, when a person sleeps, the depleted neurotransmitters responsible for connecting nerve cells to one another, recover and allow you to work in the afternoon as joyfully and efficiently as in the first.

The question arises, how to properly sleep 26 minutes? It is necessary at lunchtime before bedtime to drink a cup of strong coffee, put on an opaque mask and rest. After 26 minutes, sleep will interrupt the urge to go to the toilet, since coffee has a diuretic effect.

When a person goes to work, he solves one problem after another, as a result of which his facial muscles are very tense, which leads to a headache. There is a scientifically proven way to get rid of this problem. It is necessary to transfer the tension of the muscles of the face to the chewing muscles using a pencil, which must be clamped with your teeth. Thus, the girdle headache disappears.
