Modern life is dynamic and varied. Social and informational environments change several times in the life of one generation. The rapid variability of the environment places increased demands on a person: high flexibility and adaptability, stress resistance, the ability to learn new things at any age. The ability to change several professions in your life is in demand and corresponds to modern reality.

Step 1
To master a new profession, you first need to revise your skills, knowledge and skills. Take a blank sheet of paper and list all of your skills. What can you do, what have you learned in your life?
For example, - you know how to cook, - dress stylishly, - you like to know about sustainable home cleaning products, - possess the skill of blind ten-finger printing, - understand inexpensive materials for repairs, - what skills do you have that you use in your current or past job, - etc…
Write down everything you know and can do. Don't miss anything, and I can assure you that the list will be long.
Step 2
Once you've made a list of your skills and abilities, evaluate how you can improve them. Think and write down how you can improve your skill level. For example, not just everyday cooking, but cooking exclusively vegan food or food according to interesting recipes with rare ingredients.
Step 3
Look at each of your skills with prospects for improving them and think about what areas this skill could be useful in, other than those areas where you already use this skill. For example, if you love to cook and you are interested in looking for unusual recipes and rare ingredients, then you can write a book of unusual recipes. Or collect recipes and sell them to restaurants, cafes. Or use your tasting skills.
Step 4
Once you've made a list of your skills and abilities, outlined prospects for improving them, and found areas in which you can apply these skills, you can start looking for specific courses that teach you to develop your skills. There are now many online courses, both long and short term, as well as a large number of free training materials. And you can always go the usual way: study in absentia at a university or college.