In recent years, it has begun to seem that school work is not very prestigious: salaries are low, despite all the allowances, and you have to work a lot. However, there is still no significant shortage in pedagogical universities, and quite a few girls and young people enter these universities because they really want to work in school. But then not everyone succeeds in finding a job at the school. How to get a job at school after graduation?

Step 1
As a rule, any student of a pedagogical university at least once undergoes an internship at school, i.e. teaches his subject. The easiest way to find a job, therefore, is to stay in this school after practice, or at least stake out a place for yourself by expressing a desire to work in this school after graduation. However, a lot here depends on how you joined the teaching staff of the school, whether you had a good practice and whether you were able to "make friends" with the school administration. Not the fact that you will be waiting for some time. However, for those who have done well in school internship, this is a good chance to get a job without any problems. Accordingly, you need to start thinking about such a job at a university, before going through an internship: you should choose a good school for internship - both in terms of education level and remuneration level. Otherwise, it may turn out that they will only be glad to take you to school for a permanent job, but you do not want to work in it.
Step 2
If through practice it was not possible to find a job, then you can call the municipal education authorities for the availability of places in schools. They can help those that at least tell about what kind of teachers are needed where, and provide the necessary contacts. You can just take a directory of educational institutions and start calling them. There must be places in schools. Some young teachers choose to simply bypass schools in their area or to inquire about teacher shortages through neighbors and acquaintances who have schoolchildren.
Step 3
You can get a job in a school in the same way as in a company: through job search sites. On almost every such site (,, etc.) there is a special section "Education". Schools post their vacancies there. You can post your resume and send it to the vacancies of interest
Step 4
Finding a job is quite difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, it is best to use all possible methods of searching for vacancies at the school at once, since this way you can find a job profitably and in the shortest possible time.