The profession of a journalist attracts more and more applicants. It is no secret that it is very prestigious and difficult to enter the journalism department of a large higher educational institution. In order to help a school graduate prepare for entering a university, and, most importantly, to determine whether journalism can really become his vocation, there are special schools.

What is a journalist school?
The School of Journalists is a kind of laboratory that allows you to get the initial knowledge and skills of the profession. Many schools are opening and successfully operating in many cities. A journalism school can work at the journalism faculties of higher educational institutions, at TV and radio companies, large print media, as well as in city Houses of Creativity, where children study. Typically, this is a non-profit project available to talented young people wishing to become correspondents or work in the field of public relations.
School students are taught by correspondents, editors, and publicists who, by their example, not only inspire future journalists, but also instill a serious, responsible approach to the profession.
At the school of journalists, you can get not only theoretical knowledge, but also start independent practical work. In most schools, writing articles or producing television or radio coverage is a must. For this, a place is allocated in the newspaper or on the air of the TV company under which the school operates. The opportunity to take tentative steps in real media is simply essential for an applicant who wants to enter the Faculty of Journalism. Articles and reports will fill the portfolio that is necessary for admission to a university.
How to enter a journalism school?
Each journalism school has its own requirements for admission, but in general the rules for application and admission are similar. The recruitment of students opens from the beginning of September and lasts the entire month, during which you must bring or send by e-mail an application, as well as an essay, essay or a short note on any topic. Typically, journalism schools accept high school students between the ages of fourteen and seventeen.
The last stage of admission to the school of journalists is a creative essay, admission depends on the success in writing it. As a rule, the school itself chooses the topic of the examination paper, but their essence is basically the same (“Why did I choose the profession of a journalist?”, “Reporting from the scene,” “Speak, you are on the air” and others).
The journalism school runs from October to May, usually once or twice a week. After graduating from school, the applicant receives recommendations and feedback from teachers, as well as a ready-made portfolio necessary for admission to the university.