Both teachers and children face portfolios. This is a kind of piggy bank of the results of your activity. Portfolios start with the title page. Check out the guidelines to see how.

Step 1
When filling out the title page of the portfolio, mark the surname, name, patronymic, date of birth. Next, you need to describe the following:
- what educational institution and when they graduated;
- what specialty you got;
- how many where they worked in their specialty;
- general work experience;
- work experience in the specialty;
- awards and incentives.
Step 2
If you are compiling a teacher's portfolio for certification, then you should know that the title page is drawn up in accordance with the following requirements. Write the name of your institution at the top. For example:
Municipal educational institution secondary school 145 Samara.
Then write the word "portfolio" in the center of the sheet.
Indicate the purpose for which the portfolio is being compiled. For example: to conduct an expert assessment of professional competence and performance. After that, indicate who made the portfolio.
Write your last name, first name, patronymic and your title. Note which category is declared (first or highest). Record the date of the examination.
Step 3
After reviewing the portfolio, people will be able to draw conclusions about your professionalism, see the results you have achieved.
Step 4
If you are compiling a portfolio of a child, then the requirements will be different. In this case, you can be creative in the design of the title page.
But you need to start by describing the child's data. Write the last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the date of birth. Glue a photograph onto the title page. The child can draw something at his own discretion.
Spread paint on the baby's pen - let him attach it to the sheet. When he grows up, you can make another print. This is an interesting game for a child. You will get a kind of growth scale. A portfolio helps a child to build self-esteem.