Many specialists and companies have effective experience of working with large companies or complex projects, but have difficulties with their correct design in the portfolio. A well-designed portfolio is the key to the development and achievement of the set goals, since it forms the image of a specialist or company.

It is necessary
Computer, photographs, reports on previous work
Step 1
Make a sign. In the first column, write down all the companies you worked for and the projects you were involved in. In the next, describe the tasks that you solved and the functions that you performed. In the third, the results / results achieved by you. And in the latter, those persons with whom you worked as potential referrals (this can be the director of the company where you worked, the project manager, and others) or their feedback. In case of reviews, it is advisable to accurately indicate the full name and position of its author.
Step 2
Choose several options from the table that most fully reveal your professional level and the achievements required for the desired position or status (for example, the main manufacturer of merchandise for a particular company). Alternatively, it can be work as a leading photographer in one period, as a designer in another, and as a journalist in the third. This way, you can be an effective journalist, technical editor, or creative project manager.
Step 3
Using the capabilities of various graphic programs (if necessary or if they can be used) or a simple text document, arrange your achievements according to the following logic (from the past to the present):
1. Name of the project or company, position held, 2. Years of work, 3. Performed duties, functions, 4. Results of work, 5. Reviews or contacts of those who can give recommendations. In the case of creative professions, for example, designer, photographer, copywriter and the like, it is recommended to give examples of work.