Who Is Eligible For Travel Benefits?

Who Is Eligible For Travel Benefits?
Who Is Eligible For Travel Benefits?

The cost of tickets for travel in various types of transport is constantly getting higher. But some categories of people are entitled to benefits that significantly limit their costs of using public transport.

Who is eligible for travel benefits?
Who is eligible for travel benefits?

The cost of train or commuter train tickets for some people can cost half as much, or even there is an opportunity to purchase a ticket for free. Rail travel privileges apply to combatants, veterans, pensioners, disabled people, children and students. Some people can travel for free on electric trains and once a year on trains. Others are entitled to benefits only in suburban transport. Each category of the population has its own benefits. For example, MPs can travel by rail free of charge all year round.

According to the Social Code, pensioners are entitled to a discount of fifty percent of the total cost of travel on public transport, including taxis. In order to take advantage of this benefit, a person needs to present a pension certificate in transport. People with disabilities are entitled to exactly the same discount of fifty percent of the ticket price.

Certain categories of people are eligible for benefits on public transport. Typically, such benefits consist in the cost of travel twice as cheap as for ordinary people. People who are eligible for benefits include labor veterans. These are those persons who have the status of a veteran in accordance with Art. 7 FZ 5-FZ "On veterans", after the establishment, appointment of a retirement pension until old age, regardless of the termination of their labor activity.

Also, veterans of military service belong to the category of beneficiaries. These are persons who have the status of a veteran of military service in accordance with Art. 5 FZ 5-FZ "On Veterans", upon reaching the age that gives the right to a labor pension until old age in accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

In addition, home front workers can count on benefits. These are persons who worked in the rear from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945 for at least six months, excluding the period of work in the temporarily occupied territories of the USSR, or were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for selfless labor during the Great Patriotic War. Persons who have been subjected to political repression and subsequently rehabilitated, those with disabilities and retirees are also beneficiaries. Families of war veterans, people awarded with the order "Honorary Donor of the USSR" or "Honorary Donor of Russia" and employees of the internal affairs bodies also have travel privileges.
