The monthly income tax of 13% is a sum of money that every officially employed worker gives to the state. It turns out that income tax can be refunded. In this case, you need to go through a number of bureaucratic procedures.

Step 1
It should be said right away that the property deduction is provided once in a lifetime. This means that you have the opportunity to return money in the amount of the income tax paid to the state after purchasing such types of real estate as a house, apartment, land plot. According to the law, you can get back no more than 13% of the value of the purchased property. Moreover, the value of real estate itself should not exceed 2 million rubles. If you purchased real estate on a mortgage, then in this case your apartment may cost more than 2 million rubles, but the deduction will still remain 13% of the total cost of housing.
Step 2
To start the process of refunding income tax in connection with the purchase of real estate, you need to contact the tax office. Submit an application and two certificates from the accounting department of 3-NDFL and 2-NDFL, receipts indicating the amount of expenses for the purchase of an apartment, house or plot, as well as documents confirming your ownership of new property. If you took out a mortgage, you will need documents for a mortgage loan along with a loan agreement.
Step 3
If your children are full-time tuition fees and are under the age of 24, you may be eligible for a tuition income tax refund. First, write a statement to the tax office demanding a tax deduction for your child's education. Prepare a package of documents: a child's birth certificate, a passport, a 2-NDFL certificate, a university license and a copy, payment receipts for tuition, an agreement with the university.
Step 4
You can apply for a refund of income tax not only for your own treatment, but also for the treatment of a close relative - a husband or wife, your own or a foster child in the amount of up to 13% of the money spent on medicines and procedures. But at the same time, the amount of income tax paid for the year must equal or cover the reimbursed amount.
Step 5
The maximum cost of conventional treatment should not exceed the limit set by the state and equal to 120,000 rubles. As for the treatment with the use of expensive procedures and drugs, in this case the amount of cash costs is not limited.
To apply for a refund of income tax, first write an application for the Federal Tax Service. Required documents:
- two certificates from the accounting department from work (2-NDFL and 3-NDFL);
- payment receipts;
- contract and a copy of the contract for the provision of treatment;
- a certificate indicating the payment for all medical services for the tax office;
- personal passport or passport of a husband / wife or a child's birth certificate, depending on who was treated;
- if necessary, a copy of the marriage certificate;
- a license and a copy of a medical institution.