The issuance of an order for parental leave is always associated with the preparation and provision of relevant documents. How to document a vacation, what should be considered first of all?

When we talk about parental leave, we very often think that one leave is due - until the time when he turns three years old and there is another leave - up to one and a half years. It is believed that these are two separate vacations. In reality, this is not the case.
Its kind is associated with the payment of state benefits. Therefore, the Labor Code only mentions parental leave for a child under three years of age.
This is the correct wording in terms of labor relations, but not entirely convenient in real life. Especially burdensome for the accounting department, because we are talking about different amounts of payments. In everyday life, it so happens that an employee writes one statement twice. The difference is in indicating the age of the child.
The order is made after maternity leave ends. It is based on a statement indicating the start and end period.
Documents for registration of the order
When filling out the order, the employee must have a genuine document certifying the birth of the child. You need to make a photocopy from it, certify it and attach it to the order.
Only one parent is entitled to leave. Therefore, a certificate from the second parent is attached to the order, which confirms that he does not use this leave at his work.
At some enterprises, HR specialists ask you to bring a certificate from the registry office. These are already bureaucratic excesses. It is not required for registration of a vacation.
If a second child was born, then you must additionally request a copy of the certificate for the first child. Because the size of payments also depends on this.
Next steps
A manager's visa is affixed to the employee's application, after which an order is drawn up according to the approved form.
The start of the vacation is the next date after the employee left the decree. The end of the leave coincides with the date when the child turns exactly three years old. The order is signed by the head and the employee.
Information is entered into the register of orders for the enterprise and in the personal card. An order with a vacation application, a copy of the document and a certificate is filed in a separate folder.
If personnel records are kept in 1C:, then the order is posted in the system.
An employee can leave vacation ahead of time. This should be taken into account if a person is accepted in her place who will temporarily fulfill her duties.