A young guy with no education, usually still a student, often thinks about decent employment, probably because a man is generally destined to be a breadwinner by nature. But finding a good source of making money, that is, a job, is easy nowadays.

Step 1
Getting a decent job is an important event to prepare for. Especially if you don't have any education yet. Therefore, before looking for a job, first consider its key indicators, which will become a guideline for you when choosing.
The first thing to consider is what level of income per month will suit you.
The second is working conditions. The best option, of course, will be one that does not imply serious physical, mental and other stress. Ideally, it also provides rationed working hours and social guarantees.
The third is personal preference. Before looking for a job, you can take several free psychological tests to determine your temperament, abilities and predisposition to a particular occupation.
Having found out all the optimal indicators, you can safely start looking for vacancies.
Step 2
In a big city, there are usually no problems with employment; there are always many interesting offers on websites and in newspapers with vacancies. However, even a small provincial town does not offend enterprising and hardworking people. It should also be taken into account that not every profitable vacancy will require a young guy without work experience to confirm compliance with official documents on education.
Private entrepreneurs sometimes even more willingly agree to hire inexperienced young guys, but trained than good specialists, but with outdated knowledge and a bunch of obsolete stereotypes about their profession. Having even got a job as an intern in an interesting company, and after showing a fair share of persistence in mastering a new profession, a young breakthrough guy can easily and very quickly get a job with more favorable conditions.
Step 3
So, you have found some suggestions that are interesting to you. Now, before going to the interview, you should consider that using the basic principles of stereotypical thinking will significantly increase your chances of success. Usually a representative of any profession has some typical features. For example, an office worker or bank clerk wears a classic tailored suit with a slightly lighter tie and white shirt; the programmer is wearing glasses, laconic, always with a light unshaven and a laptop; designer - brightly and tastefully dressed, etc. The person corresponding to the characteristic external features of the profession is perceived at the subconscious level as having quite acceptable abilities in it.
In general, in fact, it is not so important whether you have a lot of experience and extensive knowledge for a specialty of interest, graduated from a university or just 9 grades of school, you always need to know the main thing: self-confidence is the main advantage in external evaluation of a candidate for a vacancy.
Of course, if you do not know absolutely nothing about the specialty you are interested in, then it will be very difficult for you to remain confident in front of the employer. Therefore, ahead of time, replenish your knowledge base by reading literature at least on the basics of your profession.
However, if you diligently followed all the previous steps, then at the end of this stage you have a very good chance of getting an interesting job, even without special education.