There is still a stereotype that finding a good job without education is difficult, and sometimes even impossible. This has led to the fact that some young people go to universities only for the sake of a higher education diploma. Meanwhile, although a diploma can help you get a job, it will not help you stay on it. Much more important is your desire to work, ambition and ability to think.

Step 1
If you are a student and are just getting an education, then be sure to indicate this when writing a resume. Many employers willingly hire students, hoping to "grow" an employee for themselves. Moreover, students, as a rule, have low salary expectations. However, if you are a full-time student and can only work 20-30 hours a week, then get ready for a long job search: in most companies, an employee is needed every day from morning to evening. Nevertheless, firms offer part-time jobs, often very prestigious ones.
Step 2
For those full-time students and people who are unable to work in the office full day in the morning, the job of an evening secretary is suitable. Most firms prefer female secretaries, but some young people also started their careers in this position. The evening secretary usually works from 6 pm to 11 pm, answers calls, meets late clients, copies, scans and staples documents. Evening secretaries who know foreign languages are also involved in translations.
Step 3
People without education can always find work on the Internet, depending on their skills. This can be the creation and design of sites, copywriting (writing texts on a specific topic by the customer), rewriting (rewriting already written texts so that they become unique), advertising blogs, and much more. It is usually easiest to find such work at freelance job exchanges. The downside of working on the Internet is that newbies are paid very modestly.
Step 4
Not having an education does not mean not being able to do anything. Surely you know how to cook, or massage, or teach dance. It is best, of course, to have a certificate that you graduated from a certain institution where you learned this. However, not everyone has such certificates (after all, you could have learned to cook from your grandmother). Even without them, you can try to find a job in a similar "specialty". The easiest way to start is, of course, with friends - to provide similar services to them. They will probably recommend you to their friends, and so on. You can post ads on social networks and on message boards on the Internet. Subsequently, such a simple way of earning money can grow into your own small business.
Step 5
There are many specialties that do not require education: a waiter, a call center worker, a salesperson. Of course, this is not a "prestigious" job, but there are many examples when a simple salesperson, after several years of successful work, became the right hand of the store owner. In addition, in these few years you can manage to get an education, and clearly define what you would like to do in life and how to come to it.