How To Qualify Air Pollution In The Work Area

How To Qualify Air Pollution In The Work Area
How To Qualify Air Pollution In The Work Area

Table of contents:


The content of a large amount of harmful substances in the air of industrial premises negatively affects the health of workers. In order to determine the level of pollution, the rules of industrial sanitation prescribe the systematic monitoring of the air in the working area. All existing measurement methods can be conditionally divided into two groups: laboratory and express.

How to qualify air pollution in the work area
How to qualify air pollution in the work area


  • - reactive paper (calorimetric method);
  • - indicator tube (linear calometric method);
  • - any device for the analysis of harmful substances (gas analyzer).


Step 1

The simplest express method for determining harmful substances in the air is calometric. For measurement, reactive paper is taken, which is placed in the working environment. Harmful substances affect the paper, changing its color. The concentration of the harmful substance is determined by assessing the intensity of the coloring of the paper.

Step 2

Another express method is linear calometric. Indicator tubes / gas analyzers of various types are used for measurement (UG-2 - universal; GHP-ZM - for the determination of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and others). A given volume of air is passed through an indicator tube, which is filled with a special solid sorbent - a powder that selectively absorbs gases and changes its color in accordance with the concentration of the harmful substance.

Step 3

There are laboratory methods for measuring harmful substances: chromatographic, photocalometric, luminescent, spectroscopic, polarographic. In the production room, air is taken, which is delivered to the laboratory, where the measurement is made. These methods are the most accurate, but their use requires special measuring instruments and special training in the laboratory, therefore they are not so widespread.

Step 4

Another method for measuring harmful substances is constant monitoring devices installed in production facilities. These include: GSM-1M (photoelectric analyzer of sulfur dioxide), Sirena-2 (analyzer of ammonia), Photon (analyzer of hydrogen sulfide), FKG-3M (analyzer of chlorine). Such devices are installed in industrial premises with the possibility of an increased concentration of harmful substances. These devices automatically register the level of harmful substances in dynamics.
