The air traffic controller controls the movement of air transport in the sky. This profession requires a lot of responsibility and attention. Takeoff and landing of an airplane or helicopter depends on the professionalism of air traffic controllers.

Step 1
All airspace is divided into zones. A certain dispatcher is responsible for each of them. At the airfield control point, a daily plan for the movement of aircraft is drawn up. The air traffic controller coordinates its execution with other services and airports. The dispatcher needs to be in touch with the crews of each vessel at all times. He has full control of the atmosphere in the sky. Airfield traffic is controlled by the taxi controller. The launch and landing dispatcher organizes the start and end of the flight process.
Step 2
The take-off and landing zone is within a radius of 50 km at an altitude of up to 2100 m. Clearance for an approach or initial climb is issued by the circle controller. At an altitude of 2100 to 5700 m, traffic is directed by the approach controller. A radar system is located in the approach control room. They are used to determine the flight number, aircraft speed, as well as flight altitude and airline affiliation. In the zone 90-120 km from the airfield, this controller calculates the sequence of landing approaches for each aircraft, as well as the flight intervals. When an aircraft approaches an airport, a green signal appears on the radar screen. From this moment on, the air traffic control process is transferred to the control tower.
Step 3
The dispatcher of the district center controls the flight at an altitude of 2100-17000. In the terminal area, responsibility is transferred to the controller of the local air link. The duties of each dispatcher include monitoring the situation in the air using a special monitor. He needs to take into account the meteorological conditions, the schedule of the movement of ships. From it to the crew of the aircraft, information about the fuel supply is received. The decision is made by the dispatcher in a very short time. The regularity of the movement of ships in the air, as well as their safety, depends on his actions. At the same time, about 20 aircraft can be in the dispatcher's area of attention. The movement in the sky is regulated around the clock. Each action of the dispatcher is governed by instructions and rules. He needs to have knowledge in many areas. In addition to the laws of air navigation, it is necessary to understand aeronautical meteorology.
Step 4
An hour before the shift of dispatchers on duty, it is necessary to undergo instructions. Immediately before the very briefing, each dispatcher will have a medical examination. During it, everyone is obliged to pass a blood alcohol test, measure blood pressure and pulse. The briefing itself is information about the weather conditions and the operation of the aerodrome. All dispatchers' conversations are recorded on the air. They are given a 50 minute break every two hours. Most often, the dispatcher's work schedule is a night and day shift, followed by two days off.