Each employer who has staff on staff must pay personal income tax on a monthly basis. The amount of tax is withheld from employee salaries. In addition to personal income tax, the head has the right to withhold unpaid accountable amounts in a timely manner. In accounting, it is very important to correctly reflect these operations, since it is on the basis of these, including data, that the tax report is formed.

Step 1
Calculate the tax amount first. To do this, determine the income of each employee. Include payment under an employment contract or a civil contract. Multiply the received salary by the tax rate: for residents - 13%, for non-residents - 30%. For example, an accountant is paid a monthly salary equal to 30,000 rubles. The amount of personal income tax will be equal to 3900 rubles. (30,000 rubles * 13%).
Step 2
In accounting, reflect the above operations as follows:
D20 K70 - the salary of the employee of the main production was accrued;
D70 K68 subaccount "personal income tax" - the amount of personal income tax withheld from the employee's salary;
D70 K50 - salary issued to the employee.
Step 3
If an employee has previously been given a certain amount of money, for example, when sent on a business trip, and he did not provide checks and receipts on time, deduct it from wages. But here it should be remembered that the amount of deduction should not exceed 20% of the monthly salary. For example, if an employee did not report for 4,000 rubles, and his monthly salary is 10,000 rubles, you are not entitled to write off the outstanding reporting amount for one period. This follows from the fact that if RUB 10,000 * 20% = RUB 2,000 It is this amount of reporting funds that you can write off in one month.
Step 4
Reflect the above operation in accounting as follows:
Д71 К50 - cash is issued to the employee;
D50 K71 - a part of the unused amount was returned by the employee;
Д94 К71 - the amount of funds issued by the account and not returned on time is taken into account;
D70 K94 - the unpaid amount was withheld from the employee's salary;
D70 K50 - salary issued to the employee.
Step 5
If the organization issued a loan to an employee, then the manager has the right to withhold interest from wages. To do this, first of all, you need to calculate the amount of personal income tax, then calculate the personal income tax from material benefits. And only then accrue interest and deduct it from wages.
Step 6
In accounting, make the following entries:
D20 K70 - salary accrued;
D70 K68 subaccount "personal income tax" - the amount of personal income tax was withheld (13%);
D70 K68 subaccount "personal income tax" - withheld by the personal income tax from material benefits (35%);
D73 subaccount "Calculations on loans granted" K91 subaccount "Other income" - interest was calculated under the loan agreement;
D70 K73 subaccount "Calculations on loans granted" - interest withheld under the loan agreement;
D70 K50 - salary issued to the employee;
D50 K73 subaccount "Calculations on loans granted" - the return of the loan to the organization's cash desk is reflected.