Currently, a large number of legal entities and individuals are debtors or creditors. For this reason, the relevance of debt repayment is of particular importance. In most cases, this problem can only be resolved in court.

Step 1
Contact a lawyer to provide you with legal assistance in collecting a debt from a legal entity through litigation. Explain the situation to the lawyer and provide him with information about the legal entity in order to make sure that debt collection is possible. If a legal entity is a one-day company and does not conduct regular economic activities, it is difficult to collect a debt from it and sometimes impossible even for a professional lawyer.
Step 2
Draw up a statement of the appropriate model with a lawyer and submit it to the court. Provide the lawyer with the following information for the correct construction of the line of his behavior so that the outcome of the court hearings completely satisfies you: about the fault of the legal entity, the unlawfulness of the behavior of the legal entity, the harm caused to you (impairment of property or personal benefits) and the connection between the illegal behavior of the legal entity. face and harm you. Demand compensation for damages and compensation for moral damage if the actions of a legal entity have defamed your honor or business reputation, you can also insist on the refutation of all information that has caused you damage.
Step 3
Collect the debt yourself or with the help of attorneys, law firms or collection agencies who can act on your behalf without you being present in the courtroom. According to the provisions of the civil law of the Russian Federation, the presumption of guilt is applied to the legal entity that has caused you damage. Thus, a legal entity will need to prove its innocence or the presence of one of the factors that prevented it from fulfilling its obligations in full and on time: due to force majeure, extraordinary or unavoidable circumstances.