If you want to rent or rent an apartment without cooperating with real estate agents, you may have to draw up a lease agreement yourself. To take into account in the document the important nuances of future relationships regarding the rental of living quarters, study the basic rules for its preparation.

Step 1
Write down the details of the lessor and tenant in the preamble of the contract. In addition to the last name, first name and patronymic, it is necessary to indicate the passport data and the address of the permanent registration of each of the parties.
Step 2
Make up the item "Subject of the contract". It should contain information on the basis on which the landlord disposes of this apartment. In addition, indicate at what address the rented dwelling is located. If relatives, relatives or friends will live with the employer, their surnames, names and patronymics should also be registered in this clause of the contract.
Step 3
Include in the agreement the clause "Rights and obligations of the parties." Here you need to indicate what the employer is obliged and has the right to do. Write, for example, that he must pay rent on time and take good care of the premises, as well as the property in it. Among the rights that the employer has, it is necessary to indicate that he can terminate the employment contract ahead of schedule. If at the same time he must warn the landlord for a certain period of time about his decision, write it down. In the subparagraph, which concerns the obligations of the landlord, indicate by what date he must transfer the apartment, that he undertakes to carry out major repairs and invite the tenant to renew the lease. In his rights also include the possibility of early termination of the contract.
Step 4
Determine the conditions for making mutual settlements between the landlord and the tenant in the third paragraph of the contract. It will be called: "Settlements under the contract." Enter here the date of payment for the use of the apartment and the amount of rent.
Step 5
Fill in the agreement with the details of the parties' liability. For example, the tenant may file a claim with the landlord if third parties appear to prevent him from living in this apartment. Name this item "Responsibility of the parties to the contract."
Step 6
Indicate until what date the document will be valid in the next paragraph: "Term of the agreement". There should be information about the date from which the contract comes into force, and what rights the parties have upon the expiration of this period.
Step 7
Add the item "Force Majeure", in which you need to include a description of the possible actions of the parties in the event of force majeure circumstances.
Step 8
Place the signatures of the parties at the end of the employment contract. Nearby, you need to decipher them and indicate the contact numbers of the tenant and landlord.