If you need to write a description for an employee or colleague, then you should note in it not only the professional qualities of the person, but also the features of his character, the ability to find a common language with people. It is also worth revealing a person's passion for this or that business.

Step 1
They begin compiling a characteristic with the message of the surname, name, patronymic of the person you are describing.
Step 2
Write down the person's date and place of birth (include city).
Step 3
Indicate education (secondary, specialized secondary, higher) and specialty. If possible, let us know how many years the employee has worked in the specialty and what is the total length of service.
Step 4
Note the previous places of work and positions held by the employee. If you have feedback from the management of these institutions, write about it.
Step 5
List when and what refresher courses and professional skills were taken.
Step 6
If a specialist took part in any professional skill contests or other competitions and has prizes, certificates, letters of thanks, be sure to write about it.
Step 7
Show the level of the employee's competence: mastery of new methods and technologies, supervision of young colleagues, accurate and timely execution of assignments, activity and mobility, quick assimilation of new information and the ability to develop relevant projects.
Step 8
Reveal, if possible, the inner world of a person: equal and open relationships in a team, the ability to avoid conflict situations, responsiveness and restraint in relation to colleagues and clients, willingness to help and provide support if necessary.
Step 9
Clean out a person's hobby: sports, handicrafts, music, dancing, cars, etc.
Step 10
Show the lifestyle that a person leads: the absence of bad habits, passion for a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, love of nature, etc.
Step 11
If you have such information, then you should provide information about the parents (age, education, social status). Write about the relationship between family members (whether assistance and support is provided to elderly parents, whether contact has been established).
Step 12
Also inform about the person's marital status (married, married) and the presence of children (number and age), as well as the current emotional situation in this family.