The organization of labor protection must exist at every production enterprise. It should include a list of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of employees of the organization, as well as compensation for work in hazardous production.

Step 1
To organize labor protection at the enterprise, you need to hire an employee who will be assigned the position of a labor protection engineer or create an entire service. The engineer will have to monitor the timely conduct of safety briefing, certification of workplaces and monitor the validity of groups for admission to certain types of work. Otherwise, you can use the services of a third-party accredited organization that will handle the functions of the OSH department at your enterprise.
Step 2
In production, in each subdivision, it is imperative to keep a log on safety briefing. Lace the magazine and number the pages in it, seal the laced magazine with the seal of the department, and if there is none, with the seal of the organization.
Step 3
Conduct a safety briefing once a month on a certain date. It is desirable that this be the beginning of the current month. After the briefing has been carried out, collect signatures from all employees of the enterprise, which should be recorded in the briefing log in the column “Acquainted”. In the column "Instructed by" the safety engineer will have to put his signature and the date of the briefing.
Step 4
For all workers engaged in hazardous work, you must arrange for the dispensing of milk or medical food. Issue monthly. If you cannot dispense milk and medical food, then in this case you must compensate for the absence of these products in monetary terms.
Step 5
Establish a canteen and a first aid station at the enterprise. Arrange for your employees to undergo an annual medical check-up either at a company health center or in a city hospital.
Step 6
Provide production with certified and verified equipment and tools. Provide the workers with personal protective equipment to the laboratory attorneys, provide them with overalls and footwear free of charge. Insure your employees against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. Each of the employees of the organization must have a safety certificate and assigned a certain admission group.