Social protection of labor in Russia is a set of measures developed by the relevant state bodies under the auspices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation. Its purpose is the legal regulation of such issues as wages, labor protection, labor relations, control over employment and unemployment and other equally important ones.

In accordance with Russian legislation, the minimum wage rate (minimum wage) is established. Provided that the employee is fully employed, he is not entitled to pay less money per month. Exceptions are only allowed if the person is working part-time or part-time. In addition to the federal minimum wage, there are regional minimum wages and increasing regional coefficients (for example, for the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them in terms of climatic conditions).
Labor protection is a set of legal, organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic and other norms that the employer must comply with in order to preserve the life and health of workers during their work. According to the law, the state guarantees the employee the protection of the right to work in conditions that meet all of the above standards. Compliance is monitored by the Federal Labor Inspectorate. There are a number of other regulatory authorities, for example, the State Energy Supervision under the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Supervision, etc.
Officials guilty of violating labor protection conditions are liable. Depending on the circumstances of the violation and the severity of the consequences, it can be disciplinary (reprimand, reprimand, dismissal) or administrative (administrative fine, disqualification). In the most severe cases, the perpetrator is subject to criminal liability.
Labor relations, that is, the relationship between an employee and an employer, are regulated by the Labor Code, which entered into force on February 1, 2002. This code establishes the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer, regulates the issues of remuneration and labor protection, the procedure for resolving labor disputes. It also provides for the features of the legal regulation of the labor of minors, teachers, athletes, people working on a rotational basis.