In any organization that uses a workforce, it is important to pay due attention to motivation. It is aimed at meeting the expectations and requirements of employees and is divided into three groups: economic reward, social relationships in the team and internal job satisfaction.

Step 1
To satisfy the economic component of motivation, which includes wages, a system of incentives, observance of workers' rights, etc., use the piece-rate principle. However, it should be borne in mind that not all motivational potential is extracted from this principle. Workers in the enterprise can themselves limit the productivity of their labor, observing group norms. To do this, introduce additional opportunities for realizing labor potential - let the workers earn money in an adjacent area or combining another position. And also be sure to apply penalties for non-performance of this or that work.
Step 2
In the case of combination, it is possible to increase the level of the second component of motivation - internal satisfaction with work. This includes interest in the job, the ability to grow further, a sense of involvement in the overall process, and diversity. Avoid situations where the same workers are doing routine work. It is necessary to periodically change their places, explaining this by production necessity, as well as transfer them from one site to another, thereby giving the opportunity to acquire new skills and further professional growth.
Step 3
Social relationships are united by the concepts of the environment and mutual support in the team, membership in a particular group, as well as a certain status of the worker. In addition to rotations from one workplace to another, use the expansion of their range of responsibilities. By giving more authority to plan and execute your front of work, you will help improve the status of employees, their desire to achieve certain results and satisfy the person's need for self-realization.
Step 4
Please note that men and women have differences in motivation, it depends on social and psychophysiological reasons. For men, the more significant factors in work are the possibility of creative fulfillment, diversity and the importance of their work for society (i.e., recognition). For women, the main driving factor is the relationship in the team and working conditions, i.e. the level of earnings, the length of the working day, etc.