The success of your company largely depends on the extent to which your employees are interested in obtaining maximum results from their professional activities. Therefore, it is important to properly motivate employees.

Step 1
Give your employees some freedom. It is good if it will be in a certain area of responsibility. Less your direct control and more tracking of your employees' performance results in maximum efficiency. This motivates employees and increases their value in their own eyes.
Step 2
Develop a training system for newcomers and advanced training for experienced employees. Trainings, seminars and webinars will help improve the skill level of your employees, increase their motivation and improve the bottom line.
Step 3
Familiarize subordinates not only with the current tasks, but also with the big goals of the company. This will make them feel like they are part of the team. The better an employee understands what the end result should be, the easier it is for him to achieve excellent results.
Step 4
Encourage initiative. Let your subordinates suggest new ways to develop a particular area of activity and improve existing processes. Enthusiasm helps you to work more efficiently and with more pleasure. Organize competitions on how to solve a particular problem, find time for individual conversations with each employee in order to listen to his point of view, suggestions and vision of the big picture. It is necessary not only for employees, but also for you and the company.