Universal guidelines created to manage subordinates do not always work. It all depends on the moral values and individual character traits of both parties. Nevertheless, the employer remains the leader and the employee is the subordinate.

Step 1
Make your employees feel like they are part of a larger team. Inspire them with your ideas. Each of them must understand that his work brings real benefits and he is a valuable frame, and not a cog in a mechanism that can be easily dispensed with. If you hired a young employee, before complaining, remember how you yourself once started your journey.
Step 2
Create technically equipped workplaces for employees. Lack of computers or private offices can negatively impact productivity. Do not neglect the ideas of your employees, it does not matter whether you will be guided by them or not, listen to the opinions of those who are promoting your business. Perhaps they themselves will tell you how to find a way to improve labor efficiency.
Step 3
Reward your employees with personal and team bonuses. Praise if you see diligence and positive results. Remember that a kind word is pleasant even to a cat, not to a subordinate. Keep an eye on the overall team atmosphere, don't let conflicts disrupt the course of the company or stall progress. Solve any controversial situations in a civilized way.
Step 4
Remember that people tend to remember and tell others about negative things. For example, if a person liked pizza in one of the cafes, he will tell half of his friends and family about it, and if he didn’t like it, as many people as possible will find out about it. Rumors mixed with fictional stories can seriously harm the state of affairs of your company.
Step 5
Be a leader, not a dictator. If you want a proper attitude to work from employees, be demanding of yourself. Show by your example what you want from them. Get people to respect you, not fear you. Don't allow yourself to violate ethical standards. Take note of the quote from Klaus Kobiell's book Action Motivation: “99% of all employees want to do their job well. How they do it depends on who they work for."