Employee motivation is creating for him such working conditions at work, thanks to which the employee will be able to achieve maximum results, knowing that he will receive a good reward for this. Motivation is a rather deep problem in labor management, so it is worth looking at it step by step.

Step 1
First, it is worth understanding the difference between the concepts of "motive" and "stimulus". An incentive is what an employer can influence an employee with to make the employee work more efficiently. The motive, on the contrary, is the inner voice of a person, his "I", which tells him that if he achieves some results of work, then he will receive some worthy reward. For example, a sales manager knows that if he fulfills a certain sales plan within a certain time frame, he will receive a bonus. The bonus is the incentive that the employer gives him. But is his work motivated by this award? It is worth understanding. From the above it follows that external stimulation and internal motivation should differ in content to a minimum. And this is the task of the leader. How can this be achieved?
Step 2
When an employer thinks about how to motivate an employee, he needs to know and understand who this person is in terms of character, mind, what he is fond of and what he lives as a person, and not as an employee - a cog in the mechanism of the company. This can be facilitated by in-house events, corporate evenings, joint trainings, where it is possible to understand and identify many of the employee's personal parameters. This information will help the director to more competently approach the issue of motivating the employee's work.
Step 3
The traditional way of motivating an employee in our country is to reward him. However, a person is not always motivated only by money. For example, a director's chief accountant recently became a father. This profession pays quite well, so monetary incentives are not very effective. But the director can encourage this specialist with additional days off if he requires the chief accountant to perform specific tasks in a short period of time. And then the chief accountant will have time to take care of the family. In addition to monetary motives, the employee may have socially-oriented motives, career motives.
An employee's career motives are associated with his realization as an employee of the firm, within which he moves forward and up the career ladder. Social motives are associated with the social component of any job. It is quite possible that in the process of work the employee will find new friends and make connections. Therefore, adapting to the company, it will be difficult for him to refuse this job not for financial reasons, but for social reasons.