Motivation is a motivation for any activity, effort, achievement. In other words, to motivate someone means to achieve that a person wants to show diligence, a conscientious attitude to his duties. This fully applies to teachers.

Step 1
Motivate teachers in economic ways. After all, any work, in addition to feeling its importance and usefulness to society, should provide a person with a livelihood. Therefore, in addition to the basic salary of the teacher, you can motivate him in the following ways: to reward him with a bonus (for example, at the end of the academic quarter or year), a valuable gift, to allocate a preferential voucher to a holiday home or sanatorium, etc.
Step 2
Motivation methods aimed at creating a convenient (for the teacher) work schedule are very important. After all, anything can happen in life. A teacher, for example, may have a small child or a single retired mother who needs to be looked after, or he is engaged in some socially useful activity, which also takes time and effort. Therefore, if the management of the educational institution can make a convenient work schedule, vacation for this teacher or provide him with additional time off, this will serve as a good motivation.
Step 3
Don't forget about moral motivation. If a teacher hears praise for a good conscientious work at the teacher's council or in the presence of inspection workers from the education authorities, if his photograph hangs on the honor board, he will simply be very pleased as a human being. You can also reward the diligent teacher with gratitude in the order. Of course, the leadership of the educational institution should also protect the teacher from unfounded, unfair claims by students or their parents.
Step 4
It is also necessary to promote the professional and career development of teachers. These methods include: helping educators organize and conduct open lessons, assisting in sending them to conferences, conventions, and applying for grants.
Step 5
In every possible way, encourage teachers to strive to improve their qualifications, obtain a second higher education, develop a pedagogical concept, etc. The most capable teachers should be promoted to leadership positions, for example, deputy headmaster of a school, college, or technical school.