The current legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of a number of benefits for teachers: both social and stimulating, aimed at reviving interest in this difficult profession.

Step 1
The hard work of teaching, ensuring the social and legal protection of teachers, as well as the popularization of their profession, has recently become one of the most important tasks of the legislative system in the field of education.
Step 2
One of the most important teaching benefits that helps to attract young specialists - graduates of pedagogical universities - is material support: both one-time and in the form of bonus payments at the end of the academic year, during the first three years of work.
But this privilege belongs to the category of regional, and is mostly intended for teachers from rural areas.
Step 3
Reducing the length of the working day is also considered an important benefit for teachers. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that a teacher's working time should not exceed 36 hours per week. All overtime hours worked must be paid additionally in accordance with the rate of the individual teacher.
If the teacher combines work, then the duration of such activities should not exceed half the monthly norm of working hours.
Step 4
For young teachers, a preferential mortgage is provided with a low interest rate, a small down payment and a long payment period. The only limitation for obtaining a mortgage is age, the teacher must be no older than 35 years.
Step 5
An essential teacher benefit is increased paid vacation time. The standard vacation time of a teacher is considered to be a period of 28 days, but in addition to this, extended paid vacation is provided - from 42 to 56 days.
In addition, every 10 years, the teacher has the right to leave for up to 1 year with the preservation of the place of work. Payment for such a long vacation comes from extrabudgetary funds. Also one of the important benefits for teachers is the possibility of early retirement - after 25 years of teaching experience, and the duration of regular paid vacations is also included in the length of service.
Step 6
Teachers from rural areas or workers' settlements are entitled to either free housing with heating and lighting, or to compensation for fuel costs if the teacher lives in a building without central heating. All expenses of the teacher must be documented so that compensation payments are not taxed (personal income tax).
Step 7
The purchase of specialized literature and periodicals also provides for the payment of material compensation, the amount of which may depend on the decision of the local self-government body.