The inheritance of a land plot is the same procedure as the inheritance of any other property, which is also regulated by civil law. There are two options for inheritance: by will and by law.

Step 1
When a land plot is inherited, the plot, namely the soil layer and the plant and water bodies located on it, passes into the ownership of the heir. If there are several applicants for inheritance, the plot is divided in proportion to their rights. Depending on the purpose of the site, its minimum size is established when it is divided. In the event that the site is not divided, the right is established about the procedure for its use. Including common areas are negotiated, for example, passage or approach to the house.
Step 2
To get started, contact a notary to open a case. The date of its opening is legally the date of death of the testator. There is an opportunity to contact a notary according to the last registration method of the testator.
Step 3
In order to open a business, it is necessary to provide a notary with a number of documents. These include: a certificate from the last place of registration of the testator, documents of title to the site, if they are at the disposal of the heir, all documents on encumbrances associated with the site, the identity card of the heir (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation), death certificate.
Step 4
You can enter into an inheritance within 6 months from the date of death of the testator. In other cases, it is also possible to inherit a land plot, but only through a court. And this option has the right to be only if there is a good reason why the applicant for the inheritance did not apply earlier (for example, the heir did not know about the existing will, was on long-term inpatient treatment, etc.).
Step 5
After the case is open, it is necessary to collect additional documents for the land, we are talking about an extract from Rosreestr and from the unified register of property rights. During this time, the notary finds out whether a will was drawn up by the deceased, as well as whether there are other heirs who could have the preferential right of inheritance.
Step 6
If your right is indisputable, the notary, after 6 months from the date of death of the testator, will issue you a certificate of transfer of ownership of the plot. After receiving this certificate, you can register the right with the authorities involved in registration and maintenance of the state register. After that, you already become the legal owner of the site.