Being the heir to any property is only halfway to making this property truly yours by law. To exercise the right to inheritance, it is necessary not only to confirm the right to inheritance, but also to properly register the property received. The inheritance of a land share is no exception.

Step 1
The procedure for registering a land share in inheritance should begin with a visit to a notary and confirmation of your right to inherit. If inheritance occurs on the basis of the procedure prescribed by law, it is necessary to confirm the degree of relationship with the owner of the land share. Provide supporting documents - this can be a birth certificate or marriage certificate, if the relationship was established in court - a copy of the court decision.
Step 2
If inheritance takes place within the framework of a drawn up will, visit the notary from whom it was drawn up with the will, and get a note that the testator did not change the conditions of this will and did not cancel it during his lifetime.
Step 3
After you confirm your right to inherit a land share, you will need to collect a few more documents, some of which can be provided only at the request of a notary, some you can get even before the first visit to him. Get a document on the valuation of the land share bequeathed to you. This document is issued to a potential heir - a notary's request is not required for him, but is issued by the Land Resources Committee of the area where the land plot is located. Also, without the help of a notary, you can apply for a certificate on the absence of restrictive measures on a land share, such as arrests and prohibitions, and for a certificate on the absence of tax delays (issued by the tax office).
Step 4
A certificate confirming the ownership of the testator's plot and a registration certificate will be issued to you only at the request of a notary.
Step 5
When the full package of documents is prepared, the notary will open the inheritance case, it is within the framework of this case that the death of the testator, the truth of the inheritance right, and other legal issues will be rechecked. Based on the results of the consideration of the inheritance case, a certificate is issued confirming the right of inheritance to the land share, after receiving which the heir can apply to the registration authorities to register the inherited plot of land in ownership.