A work book is a personal personal document of an employee, which reflects his entire work path throughout his life. Today, work books are losing their meaning, gradually being replaced by labor contracts. However, even today, for many people, they are the main evidence of their professional and career achievements, so the loss of a work book is a big problem.

Step 1
It is not difficult to make a new work book today. To do this, simply buy a blank booklet at any stationery store and take it to the personnel department of the organization in which you work or in which you plan to go to work. But in this case, you seem to lose all your previous labor achievements: experience, length of service, professional qualifications, etc. Therefore, although modern leaders are much more loyal to the presence or absence of work books than in the Soviet years, it is better to restore the lost work book. This can be important not only for confirming your work experience and work experience, but also when calculating your pension.
Step 2
If your work record has been lost recently, you can try to restore it using your previous job. To do this, in accordance with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated April 16, 2003, submit a written application to the employer at the last place of work. At the same time, make sure that your application is officially registered and on the copy that remains with you, the secretary who accepted the application, put down the date of its receipt. This is a very important point.
Step 3
Within 15 working days in the organization, you must be given a duplicate of the work book, having entered all the information in it. In case you have previously worked in other places, the last employing organization should send a request for data from your previous places of work. They can get information about your previous jobs from the questionnaire that you filled out when applying for the last job.
Step 4
In the event that you have not worked officially for a long time or your last organization, for some reason, cannot restore your work book, you will have to take care of its restoration yourself. To do this, contact those organizations and institutions where you worked earlier and get certificates of your work activity from them.
Step 5
Pay special attention that all certificates must be issued on the letterhead of the organization, have a stamp and be signed by the head of the organization. They should include the exact title of your job, the date you were hired, the date you quit, and the line on which you quit. Submit the received certificates to the personnel department of the organization where you are currently working, and on their basis, your work book will be restored to you.