Property means the ownership of property by an entity that has the exclusive right to own and use it. There are several forms of ownership in the Russian Federation, all of them are listed in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Step 1
According to article 2 of article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in Russia state, municipal, private and other forms of ownership are recognized and protected. A more detailed list is given in Article 212 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. But this list is not exhaustive either, since there is a proviso that other forms of ownership are also recognized in Russia.
Step 2
State ownership implies that the powers of the owner are possessed by state authorities, which, in turn, appoint managers (heads) of enterprises and endow them with certain powers. State ownership exists in those economic spheres where participation of the private sector is difficult for various reasons. Its existence is aimed at solving social problems and benefiting the state. First of all, this concerns the provision of infrastructure - water and gas supply, electricity, communications, transport, etc.
Step 3
State property can be federal (national), regional (property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation), municipal (property of a city, district, settlement, other municipal entity). State and municipal property that is not assigned to state and municipal institutions and enterprises is the property of the treasury - the state, municipal or treasury of a constituent entity of the federation.
Step 4
Private property includes both the property of citizens - individuals and legal entities. Other forms include the property of religious and public organizations, consumer cooperatives, as well as mixed Russian property. In addition, there is foreign ownership, as well as joint Russian and foreign ones.
Step 5
In the modern world, including in Russia, the coexistence of various types and forms of ownership is increasingly observed. For example, within a state enterprise, there may be cooperative and private enterprise structures. There are also various joint ventures, concerns, holdings, financial and industrial groups, etc.
Step 6
Property objects are tangible and intangible. They can be immovable and movable property, land, mineral resources, animals, intellectual property, securities, money, labor products, air / water / outer space. And the subjects of ownership can be a person or a household (private form), a group of people (cooperative, joint-stock, collective, state form).