In biblical times, humankind easily got along with the Ten Commandments. Since then, not only the world's population has grown incredibly, but also the number of laws that now regulate almost all spheres of life. For the normal functioning of the legal machine, it was necessary to divide the entire mass of laws into branches that regulate certain areas of activity.

A branch of law is a separate element of the general system of law, uniting legal norms designed to regulate a specific area of relations. The industry is characterized by the presence of a certain method and subject of legal regulation.
Existing industries
The industry, in turn, is subdivided into separate, but interconnected parts, called institutions of law. Currently, the entire legal field is divided into the following branches: constitutional, administrative, financial, criminal, environmental, civil, family, labor, land, corrective labor, criminal procedural, civil procedural, arbitration procedural, international public and private international law.
Short description
Constitutional law is the fundamental branch of the legal system, uniting the norms that regulate the foundations of both social and state systems. Determines the rights and obligations of a citizen, executive power and officials, the competence of the highest authorities.
Administrative law - unites the norms regulating the sphere of public administration, the rights and competence of state bodies and officials, regulates relations between them and citizens, determines the types of administrative offenses and responsibility for them.
Financial law - regulates relations associated with the creation, distribution and use of financial funds of the state. Regulates all property relations arising in the state.
Criminal law - norms defining the principles of criminal responsibility, types of crimes and responsibility for them. The norms of criminal law are mostly prohibitive.
Civil law is a fundamental law, the subject of regulation of which is property, as well as personal non-property relations of citizens associated with them. This branch includes inheritance, copyright, invention and business law.
Environmental law is a new branch of law, the norms of which regulate the actions of citizens, legal entities and the state in the protection of the environment and the use of natural resources.
Family law - regulates personal non-property relations of citizens in marriage and family, as well as kinship, adoption, guardianship and related property relations.
Labor law - regulates the relationship between the employee and the employer in all forms, in public and private enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Land law - the law governing relations regarding the ownership, exploitation and use of land. Regulates all issues related to processing, increasing fertility, protection of land resources.
Correctional labor law - the norms of this industry regulate issues related to serving sentences, the conditions of stay of convicted persons in correctional labor institutions, the conditions for the functioning of these institutions and the entire system of punishment execution.
Criminal procedural law - determines the procedure for conducting criminal cases during the inquiry, investigation and the procedure for the consideration of the case by the court.
Civil procedural law is a public law that regulates civil proceedings: cases arising from family, labor, environmental, land and part of administrative disputes.
Arbitration procedural law - defines the rules governing relations between business entities between themselves and between them and state bodies, and also regulates some administrative disputes.
Public international law is not part of national law. It unites treaties, convections, pacts and other international agreements governing relations between countries and international organizations.
Private international law - regulates civil, labor, marriage and other personal relations of an interstate nature.