How To Run A HR Department

How To Run A HR Department
How To Run A HR Department

Table of contents:


The functions of the personnel department, organized at a dynamically and successfully developing enterprise, differ significantly from those performed by the personnel departments, working with the traditional methods used in Soviet enterprises. Leading a human resources department with modern methods means covering all stages of the personnel cycle - from finding and hiring new employees, to firing or sending them to retire.

How to run a HR department
How to run a HR department


Step 1

Taking into account the Russian specifics, one employee of the personnel department should account for 100-150 people. Determine the required staffing number and then assign responsibilities to groups or individuals.

Step 2

An employee or recruiting team should develop a recruitment methodology, qualification requirements for applicants and recruitment guidelines. The functions of the group also include organizing cooperation with recruiting agencies and using other alternative sources of personnel search. Group employees must recruit, test and select candidates, their preliminary orientation, and also maintain a database of potential talent pool.

Step 3

The functions of personnel in the personnel department should include traditional responsibilities: maintaining personnel records management, developing guidance material on methods and procedures for working with personnel, and collecting statistical information. In addition, they must develop forms of personnel workflow and draw up personnel decisions in the form of orders and orders.

Step 4

A separate area of work of the personnel department should be the implementation of control functions. These are checks on the performance by the divisions of the enterprise and its employees of their functions and responsibilities, regulated by the provisions on departments and job descriptions. This area of activity can also include supervising the passage of the probationary period, measures for the adaptation of newcomers, certification and career planning of the company's personnel.

Step 5

A modern HR department should also deal with the professional development of employees. This work includes the development and implementation of professional training programs, planning and organization of training, advanced training, internships. This also includes interaction with universities, other educational institutions and centers.

Step 6

The personnel department, of course, should oversee labor and wages issues. These include conducting marketing research on the existing labor rate setting systems, billing work, developing a wage system, benefits and compensations, as well as updating and adjusting it. Service staff dealing with these issues must also calculate and issue wages, keep records of personnel costs and investments in it.

Step 7

A separate area should also include issues: - on labor protection, development and implementation of measures to ensure it; - development and implementation of social programs; - legal support of labor processes.
